Welcome to The Rivista

Pictured: Bailey P Jones, Classic Fella, Oris, & Morjas

As an individual who is constantly wrapped up in the world of menswear, moving out of the city presented a challenge I had not considered. Suddenly I wasn’t constantly surrounded by others who shared my passion or attending events where I could learn and, let’s face it, show off my recent discoveries. I found myself missing the sense of community that came with being in the mix with a bunch of menswear nerds. Although I turned to my social media to make up for it, there was nothing that quite replaced the feeling of hearing new stories, engaging (even disagreeing) with others over a drink, trying and failing to architect new lines in my outfits, and generally reveling in the self expression that that menswear world afforded me.

A year in of fading from my old lifestyle, I was presented with something else: an idea. What if I could bring that old sense of community back remotely? It wasn’t a historic, groundbreaking concept — many others have done the same and done it well, but those weren’t necessarily my community that I had stepped away from. Maybe there was an opportunity to build something refreshingly laid back (those who know me are laughing out loud at this, knowing I am the least laid back person you’re likely to encounter). Yet there was the idea.

A place for us to continue learning, laughing, and sharing with one another. A place to be expressive and build a community that doesn’t pride itself on exclusivity or owning pieces most of us could never own, but community that prides itself on welcoming people wherever they are in their journey and exploring the craftsmanship, history, passion that roll up into this corner of the art world.

Pictured: SuitSupply, The Negroni by Matt Hranek


My friends and I have built The RIVISTA with this in mind. To be a community by the community where we share voices from every corner of the menswear world. Each week, The RIVISTA will publish medium-length articles and images to spotlight brands, products, events, and the histories behind styles we love. Rotating authors from diverse backgrounds and locations, we will give our readers a range of viewpoints within the many facets of the industry.

Pictured: Baird McNutt, Spier & Mackay

I’m excited to begin this journey and incredibly grateful to those who have given their time and creative input toward this project.

We invite you to read and comment and to engage with us on social media!


Dandy Wellington’s 5th Annual Easter Egg Strut